Tasha, Aliysa, Jace, Courtney and Spencer went to "The 3 Musketeers" at the Hale Center Theatre in SLC. That left Mallory, Zachary, Andrew and Abby with Grandma and Grandpa.
Below - Play Dough is always a favorite:

Below - there were a lot of helpers to tell the story of Jonah and the whale:

Below - We have had quite a few wind storms this spring, the kids are standing on a recent casualty:

Below - Tasha being a good mother and home-school teacher:

Below - start them fishing when they are young and they will never depart from their ways:
Below, next 3 photos - jungle gym fun:
Below - Spencer being advised by a clown and a princess on how to brush his teeth with a frog:
Thanks for the wonderful visit! We all have great memories of that time at your home!